The Spatial Web-based Analysis of Urban Transition (SWAUT) portal provides city level spatio-temporal information and pattern of rapid urban development. This in the form of land use maps, DEM’s, built up (urban) maps, slope, hillshade, road maps etc. Information is generated with the help of open source software such as Q-GIS, Grass-GIS and other online open source codes (Eg: Project Gigalapolis). The framework uses heterogeneous data including satellite data such as Landsat, IRS-LISS-III, ASTER, Road data from Open Street Maps (OSM), City development plans from respective city administrative portals, topographic maps from Survey of India (SOI) online portal and data generated using hand held Global Position System (GPS) during field visits to various cities. The data is processed, analysed, calibrated and validated to obtain visualization of future land use scenarios. Goal of the portal is providing easy and quick access to various layers/maps under a single window. A total of 11 Indian cities have been shortlisted based on population, area, city’s contribution to national GDP, infrastructure, social, economic and financial aspects.
To provide details of Smart Cities of India
To provide city level spatio-temporal information about topography, land use, roads, services, infrastructure, future urban growth prediction etc.
To model (CA based SLEUTH) and obtain future urban growth prediction for your own data without installing software
Act as online decision support tool for analyzing, visualizing and downloading spatial data
Smart Cities Of India
Smart city project in India was conceptualized to address issues related to rapid urbanization, sustainable livelihood, migration, job opportunities and so on. The mission was started in 2015 by Prime Minister of India envisioning to develop 100 Indian cities as model areas to impact surrounding cities and town centers.
Smart city list